
A mom gives her opinions on life and stuff.

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Entries Tagged as 'Faith'

Is There An Alternative for Oxygen? (Sound-Off)

August 30th, 2007 · 6 Comments

It’s time that we admitted that there are no substitutes for some things. Everything is NOT the same. Oxygen is one of them. Yes, there are clear gases that might look like oxygen, but you wouldn’t stay alive very long if you tried to breath them. Water is another thing for which there are no […]


Tags: Faith

Why Do I Dig Jesus?

July 6th, 2007 · 14 Comments

Why Do I Dig Jesus? A Cup of Tea With Me wants to know. I didn’t know that there was a Jesus meme, but apparently there is and I’ve been tagged for it. That’s okay, because I do “dig” Jesus. (I actually don’t use the word “dig” much, except when referring to the digg site. […]


Tags: Faith · Meme