
A mom gives her opinions on life and stuff.

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Entries Tagged as 'Frugal Fridays'

Frugal Fridays: The Frugal, Healthy Shopping List

January 25th, 2008 · 4 Comments

I’ve sort of been on a health kick since the start of the year. This post continues in that frame of mind. My premise: good health doesn’t need to be expensive. For today’s post, I pulled the ad from my local grocer to find eight healthy foods that are not expensive. (Of course, prices at […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: Get Fit For Less

January 4th, 2008 · 2 Comments

Around the first of the year many of us make a resolution about getting fit and/or losing weight. Now, losing weight or getting fit can be expensive. Membership in a health club starts at about $40 a month ($480 a year). Diet aids can be $30 or $50 a bottle (or even more), and you […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: To Regift or Not To Regift

December 14th, 2007 · 2 Comments

At this time of the year, with the holiday rush on full swing, there is a strong temptation to regift rather than buy new. In most instances, you should resist that temptation. On the surface regifting might appear to be an ideal way to save money. Why shouldn’t that sweater that your aunt gave you […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Friday: Little Bits of Savings Add Up

November 16th, 2007 · 4 Comments

What’s the best way to save money? It may surprise you that, in the long-term, effective saving may require a small rather than a large commitment on your part. You don’t believe me? Consider this example: let’s say that you are in the habit of having a mid-morning snack. Let’s say that you get your […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: Resale Shops

November 9th, 2007 · Comments Off on Frugal Fridays: Resale Shops

One of the best money-savers that I’m aware of is resales shops that sell gently used or overstock merchandise. These stores often allow you to buy name-brand merchandise at a fraction of the original cost. One resale store that we’ve been frequenting a lot is Plato’s Closet. Plato’s Closet specializes in teen and tween fashions. […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Friday: Save on Gas with Grocery Club Cards

October 26th, 2007 · Comments Off on Frugal Friday: Save on Gas with Grocery Club Cards

My tip this Friday concerns how to beat the high cost of gasoline. Many people ignore this, but some grocery club cards come with a gasoline discount for members. Sometimes all that you have to do to receive the discount is sign up for the card. For other cards you must buy a certain amount […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: Baby Steps to Saving Money

October 19th, 2007 · Comments Off on Frugal Fridays: Baby Steps to Saving Money

Saving money doesn’t have to be hard or difficult. Even little actions can eventually result in big savings. If you really want to save money, it’s important not to ignore the little things. Here are five easy steps that you can take right now that can save you big money in the long run: Borrow […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: The Concept of “Play Clothes”

October 12th, 2007 · 9 Comments

Once again, I have a frugal tip from my mother. When we were little, she separated our clothes into two categories: “good,” and “play clothes.” The “good” clothes were for school, church, and other social occasions. They were always kept clean, pressed, and as close as possible to new condition. As soon as we came […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Friday: Make Your Own Children’s Modeling Clay

October 5th, 2007 · Comments Off on Frugal Friday: Make Your Own Children’s Modeling Clay

My tip this week is a fun one for the younger kids at your house and it’s something I fondly remember doing with my own mother as a child. There are many commercially sold modeling clay compound available on the market, but did you know that you can make your own modeling “dough” with ingredients […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays

Frugal Fridays: Share A Meal

September 28th, 2007 · 1 Comment

This week’s Frugal Friday tip is quick and simple. We all know that it’s cheaper to eat at home, but sometimes you just can’t avoid eating out. Maybe your family is traveling (as mine did recently), or maybe you just ran out of things to cook. Whatever the case, your family finds themselves at a […]


Tags: Frugal Fridays