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Cheerios Snack Mix – A Product Review

December 22nd, 2007 · 3 Comments


We recently had the chance to review the new Cheerios Snack Mix. The flavor that we reviewed was Cheddar.

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t normally like prepackaged snack mixes (too garlicky), but the Cheerios Snack Mix tasted great! In fact, I couldn’t stop munching on it.

This snack mix has a pleasant cheese flavor without being too salty or too artificial tasting. There are a nice variety of pieces too: Cheerios, Chex, pretzels, bread twists, and cheese crackers.

There were four of us who taste tested the Cheerios Snack Mix: myself, darling husband (DH), and my two teen-aged darling daughters (DD1 and DD2). Oh, and the dog snatched and ate a few pieces of it too.

Everyone loved the mix, except DD1 who complained about . Now, DD1 is an extremely picky eater and she didn’t like the fact that this product has Chex in it. (She doesn’t like Chex at all.) However, I caught DD1 sneaking back to the product sample and picking the pretzels and cheese crackers out of it.

As a mom, what I really liked about Cheerios Snack Mix was the fact that it is baked and not fried. This means that it contains a lot less fat than many similar snacks out there. It’s also made with MultiGrain Cheerios cereal, which means that it’s a good source of whole grain.

I would definitely serve Cheerios Snack Mix again. In fact, it would make the perfect appetizer for guests or the perfect addition to a school or work brown bag lunch. (I’m always looking for things to put in brown bag lunches.)

(Disclosure: A product sample was provided by an agent for Cheerios Snack Mix.)

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved

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Tags: Sponsored Reviews

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Seasons Greetings to All My Online Friends! // Dec 22, 2007 at 11:26 pm

    […] Are you still looking for something to do? You can always munch down on Cheerios Snack Mix. […]

  • 2 Lis Garrett ~ a writer's woolgatherings // Dec 23, 2007 at 8:50 am

    I purchased this at my last visit to the supermarket. My oldest daughter and I both loved it, but my two youngest didn’t care for it at all. That’s okay, more for me!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  • 3 Laura // Dec 23, 2007 at 9:27 pm

    Hi Lis!

    Glad you liked it! I guess everyone’s taste is a little different. This is very cheesy, so if someone likes cheese they should like this.