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Enchanted: A Movie Review

November 24th, 2007 · No Comments

I got to see Enchanted this weekend with the kids and I wanted to share my impressions with you.

Many little girls dream of being a princess, and Enchanted is the movie for them. Both of my daughters loved the movie even though they are teens. My husband, who also went with us, didn’t particularly enjoy it (too girly) – but gamely sat through it anyway.

The movie is clean enough for younger children. I didn’t notice any objectionable language or themes in Enchanted. There is really only one scene involving a dragon that they might find frightening, but that should be easy to explain as imaginery.

Personally, I loved the creative transitioning from animation to live actors. The fairy tale theme was so stereotypical, however, that I had to wonder if the movie was intended to be a parody of other fairy tale movies like Snow White and Cinderella. Perhaps it was.

Indeed, the movie has all the standard fairy tale elements:

  • The princess in the poufy dresses
  • Animal friends who serve the princess (a power that she mysteriously retains even after she enters the real world)
  • Music and dancing
  • Prince Charming
  • The wicked stepmother

Girls of all ages should love this movie for its princess theme and for the romance. Men and boys may not enjoy it quite as much.

(Disclosure: I was not given a pass to see this movie. However, the post does contain an Amazon affiliate link for the book.)

Contents (c) Copyright 2007, Laura Spencer. All rights reserved.

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